
Assignment Committee (Works with the BCAA booking commissioner to oversee the contest assignment procedure.)

Board Member Liaison---------------Ken Maurer

Mike Margolis

Tim Snider

Larry Schwietzer


Training Committee (Plans the content and implementation of training sessions, both on the field and in the classroom.)

Board Member Liaison---------------Jay Cohen

Eric Foust

Manny Salazar

Christian Argueza

Evaluations Committee (Chooses evaluators and sets the process of evaluating umpires for the upcoming season.)

Board Member Liaison---------------Joe Redfern

Jeff Solomon

Peter Ableton

Vinnie Harstad


Grievance Committee (Investigates complaints and recommends action to the board of directors.)

Board Member Liaison---------------Orlando Hernandez

Scott Auster

LuCious Moore

Henry Perez


Recommendations Committee (Reviews the evaluations of each umpire and prepares a recommended list for post-season assignments.)

Board Member Liaison-----Larry Friedman/Shaun Lancaster

Greg Grimmett

Brett Lancaster

Kevin Gray

Nomination Committee (Recruits and nominates new board members for the BBUA.)

Board Member Liaison---------------John Poropat

Wayne Haefner